Cornerstone has an ongoing partnership with Lincoln Elementary School. While our involvement will look different this year, we are confident that God remains at work through our commitment to students and staff at Lincoln.
Check out this video showing how we can help this year.
Ways to Help This Year
- Pre-packaged, individually wrapped snacks are needed. These snacks are provided to teachers to use when a student is unable to provide a snack item for the class. Donations of snack items can be dropped off at Cornerstone through Monday, August 31.
- Virtual Buddies - In person volunteers are not an option in the school this year. However,we are looking for Virtual Buddies to connect with students. Virtual Buddies will meet with students 1:1 over the computer. We'll help with any technology training needed to make this option work for you.
- Pen Pals - Get matched with a school staff member; pray for him/her and send encouraging cards through the mail throughout the school year.
Please bring in snacks or sign up to be a Virtual Buddy or a Pen Pal!
Our Growth Groups play a central role in the Lincoln School Initiative. Each group adopts a grade level and commits to pray for the students, the teachers and staff by name, and find opportunities to encourage them throughout the school year.
If you’re interested in getting involved with the Lincoln School Initiative, contact us.