Our vision to reach the world contains three primary emphases, first through participation. This includes a high emphasis on personal and relational evangelism with regular times of training and intentional prayer. Our goal is that each Cornerstone attender can identify at least one person with whom they are intentionally demonstrating and sharing Christ’s love.
Our second emphasis is support. We currently have 15 local, regional, and global mission partners on our team, and we support them in a variety of ways financially, relationally, and in prayer.
Our third emphasis is sending. We hope to send regular short term mission teams to various places around the world. These teams partner with our missionaries by encouraging them and engaging in ministry with them. We also pray that God will raise up long-term missionaries from Cornerstone to be sent into our community, region, and the world!
Read About Cornerstone's Mission Partners

Missionary of the Month
Aaron and Brenda Miatke are our February Missionary of the Month. The Miatkes serve with Cru in the Greater Twin Ports.