Our kids ministry is committed to the vision of Cornerstone Community Church. Our goal is for our kids to build a Biblical foundation for their faith and to grow together in Christian community.
Sunday Morning
Cornerstone Kids | PreK-6th Grade | 8:45am | Education Center
Kids in Pre-K will meet the during the entire service, and will experience Biblical teaching, worship, games, crafts, snacks and more!
Kids in 1st-6th grade will start the morning in the worship service with their families. Kids will be dismissed to go to the Multipurpose Room prior to the beginning of the sermon.
Kids Church | PreK-4th Grade | 10:30am | Education Center
Kids in PreK-4th start the 10:30 service in the worship service with their families. Kids will be dismissed to go to the Multipurpose Room prior to the beginning of the sermon. Kids can be picked up from the Multipurpose Room at the end of the Worship Service.
Kidz Rock | Tuesdays | 6:00-7:30pm | Kindergarten-6th Grade | September-April
Kidz Rock is an exciting midweek ministry where kids will dig deeper into God’s Word. Kids will participate in big group games, challenges, earn points, and choose a fun class to be a part of. Some of our classes have been cooking, sports, and arts/crafts. Each class will complete a workbook and do a unique activity.
Check-In & Checkout
Parents! Be sure to stop by the Check-In desk – located in front of the Multi-Purpose Room – to check in your kids. Each child will receive a nametag that includes a code. That code is on your parent tag that you will use to pick up your kids.
Our kids are more than the “church of tomorrow”, they’re the church of today! Will you come alongside our kids so that they not only grow personally in their walk with Jesus, but so they’re equipped to reach the world around them? If so, please let us know.